Mark Brown

Visiting Professor, Duke Kunshan University, 2021-2022; Director of Management Communication Center, Fuqua School of Business

Mark T. Brown is the Director of the Management Communication Center at Duke University's Fuqua School of Business. He has been a member of the Fuqua faculty since 1989 and has taught Management Communication core courses and advanced electives in the daytime, weekend, and evening MBA programs. He has also taught Business Communication in the MQM and MMS full time one-year programs as well as the online MSQM Health Analytics and MSQM Business Analytics programs.
Mark has been a consultant to individuals and businesses on a variety of communication and strategic leadership topics for more than thirty years.
Mark did his undergraduate work at Georgetown University in international relations and English. He has a master's degree in educational psychology and administration from Bowling Green. Mark also did master's and doctoral work at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, where he studied communication, rhetoric, and American culture.



(919) 660-7868