Wenjing (Wendy) Li

Assistant Professor of English Language, Duke Kunshan University

Wendy Li's research interests include second language socialization, multilingual and multimodal literacy practices, English-medium instruction and transnational higher education, and language teacher identity, agency, emotions. Her teaching interests at Duke Kunshan include English for academic purposes and multimodal composition.
She recently co-edited the book, "International Students' Multilingual Literacy Practices: An Asset-based Approach to Understanding Academic Discourse Socialization" (Multilingual Matters, 2022). She has also published papers in leading academic journals including Language Teaching Research, English Today, and Language Teaching.

She holds an M.A. in TESOL from Lancaster University, U.K. and a Ph.D. in second language studies from Michigan State University, U.S. Before joining Duke Kunshan, she was an assistant professor at Nagoya University of Commerce & Business, Japan.



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