Giovanni Santini

Assistant Professor of Computation and Design, Duke Kunshan University 

Giovanni Santini is an Extended Reality (XR) artist who explores the use of emerging technologies to expand the expressive possibilities in multimedia arts. His focus is on Virtual and Augmented Reality for live performances, as well as shared immersivity for the audience, which implies the use of multiple projections (or immersive screens) and spatial audio. Machine learning is also embedded in the live processing of audio and visuals. 

Past and ongoing collaborations include Ars Electronica Linz, the Swiss Radio and Television, Hong Kong Research Visualization Center, Hong Kong New Music Ensemble, the Italian Cultural Institute in Hong Kong, Hanshan Museum, UC Berkeley, Helsinki XR Center with performances in more than 20 countries, including Mainland China, Hong Kong, the US, Italy, France, Germany, the UK, Argentina. 

His artistic practice is tightly connected to arts technology research, with numerous papers published in international conferences and journals (NIME, Sound and Music Computing, Springer Lecture Notes on Computer Science, Mathematics, the book Creativity in the Age of Digital Reproduction etc.).

Giovanni Santini has an M.A. in Arts in Piano, from Mascagni Musical Institute, Livorno, Italy and an M.A. in Arts in Composition and Theory, from Italian Swiss Conservatory, Lugano, Switzerland. He also received a Ph. D in Music, from Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong, China.



