Jonathan Wiener

William R. and Thomas L. Perkins Professor of Law

Professor of Environmental Policy, Professor of Public Policy, Duke University 

Professor of Environmental Policy, Duke Kunshan University

Jonathan B. Wiener is the William R. and Thomas L. Perkins Professor of Law at Duke Law School, Professor of Environmental Policy at the Nicholas School of the Environment, and Professor of Public Policy at the Sanford School of Public Policy, at Duke University. He is the Co-Director of the Duke Center on Risk in the Science & Society Initiative.

He served as President of the Society for Risk Analysis (SRA) in 2008, and he co-chaired the SRA's World Congress on Risk in Sydney Australia in 2012. In 2003 he received SRA’s Chauncey Starr Young Risk Analyst Award, and in 2014 he received SRA’s Richard J. Burk Outstanding Service Award. From 2015-19 he co-directed the Rethinking Regulation program at Duke, and from 2007-15 he directed the JD-LLM Program in International and Comparative Law at Duke Law School. From 2000-05 he was the founding Faculty Director of the Duke Center for Environmental Solutions, which was then expanded into the Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions, for which he served as chair of the faculty advisory committee from 2007-10.


