Assistant Professor in English Language Instruction, Duke Kunshan University
Tong Zhang's research centers on exploring second language writers' metacognitive development in writing, and understanding multilingual teacher identity and pedagogy development. Her primary research interest focuses on how teachers can better understand and use formative assessment to foster L2 writers' long-term literacy development. Also, Tong's research interest draws upon her passion for using narrative inquiry to understand multilingual teachers' identity and their pedagogy development in relation to linguistic and cultural dimensions. In addition, her qualitative research expertise allows her to work on two National Science Funded research projects of science education, in conjunction with research teams led by the Indiana University of Pennsylvania (IUP) and Yale University.
Before joining Duke Kunshan University, she taught first-year college composition courses and research writing courses at IUP. As the supervisor of the American culture and English program for the American Language Institute at IUP, Tong led and managed an ESL tutoring team and taught ESL courses such as academic listening, academic literacy and writing across the curriculum. She received a Ph.D. from IUP.