Xin Jin

Visiting Assistant Professor of Economics, Duke Kunshan University 

Her research interest is the macroeconomic aspect of development and energy economics. She is particularly interested in the structural transformation experiences of the developing economies, noting that many of them have struggled to expand their manufacturing sectors and to achieve sustained economic growth and poverty reduction. In addition, she also has long-term interests in the co-movements of time series data, adopting a state space approach. Her teaching interests at Duke Kunshan include Economic Principles, Economic Growth and Development, and Macro-econometrics.

Her work has appeared in internationally renowned journals, including The Economic Journal, Journal of International Money and Finance, Journal of Futures Markets, and Energy Economics

Dr. Xin Jin received her PhD in Economics from Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas. Currently she is also an Honorary Research Fellow in Business School with University of Aberdeen and Aberdeen Centre for Research in Energy Economics and Finance. Prior to joining DKU, she was a Lecturer (Assistant Professor) in Economics at University of Aberdeen, UK and Assistant Professor at Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University. 



IB 2017