Assistant Professor of Digital Media, Duke Kunshan University
Ziv Ze’ev Cohen is a new media artist who emphasizes on the ways technology impacts our lives in the past, present, and future. His work challenges the senses of both humans and machines, often speculating about the future to reflect on the impact machines have on our society today. Cohen's creations oscillating between the virtual and physical, utilizing elements of kinetic movement, light, sound, and interaction.
Born in Israel, Cohen earned his Master’s in Fine Arts from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago's Art and Technology department, where he also taught for a few years. He currently lives and works primarily in China. Previously, he served as an associate professor at the School of Design & Innovation at the China Academy of Art in Hangzhou.
His works have been exhibited worldwide, including at the Ars Electronica Festival in Austria, the Museum of China Academy of Art in Hangzhou, the Fusan Foundation in Shanghai, the Zhou B Art Center in Chicago, the Pyramida Art Center in Israel, and the esc medien kunst labor in Graz, Austria.