Dongmian Zou

His primary research is in the intersection among applied harmonic analysis, machine learning and signal processing. He is especially interested in robust representations and structures in geometric and graph deep learning.

Qian Zhu

Her research focuses on modern Chinese history and China's current global challenges. Her first project is a comparative and transnational inquiry of intellectual and cultural history focused on Chinese leftism and anti-colonialism in Southeast Asia from 1938 to 1948. She has a second project on feminism and everyday life in post-socialist China, which focuses on feminism in entrepreneurship, reproductive labor, and social welfare.

Fangsheng Zhu

Fangsheng Zhu is a sociologist and studies education, particularly the interactions between families, education providers and governments. His research topics include parenting, school admissions and education policies. His teaching interests at Duke Kunshan include public policy, methods and education. Zhu holds a bachelor's degree from Zhejiang University, a master's degree from the University of Chicago and a Ph.D. from Harvard University.

Xiayun (Sophia) Zhou

She has taught Chinese at multiple levels and offers coaching to develop students'independent language learning skills. She has taught Chinese in the American Council Language Program, and in the Alliance-Fudan spring and fall programs in 2012. In 2013, she served as a Mandarin language teacher at Meadowbank School, New Zealand, through the Confucius Institute. Zhou has an M.A. in teaching Chinese as a second language from Fudan University.